* Immutable tuple.
* @typedef {external:tuple} Tuple
const { tuple } = require('immutable-tuple')
const { internal, randomElement } = require('./util')
* Token to tag a complex JSON value.
* @constant
* @type {Symbol}
const OBJECT = Symbol('@@OBJECT')
* Token to represent the start of runs.
* @constant
* @type {Symbol}
const BEGIN = Symbol('@@BEGIN')
* Token to represent the end of runs.
* @constant
* @type {Symbol}
const END = Symbol('@@END')
* A time-homogeneous Markov chain with optional memory.
class Chain {
* @param {object} [options={}] Options object
* @param {Array<Array<any>>} [options.corpus=[]] Sample runs of the process
* @param {number} [options.order=0] Size of the chain's memory
* @param {boolean} [options.useTokenMap=false] Whether to map token to states
* @param {Map<Tuple<any>,any>} [options.model] Prebuilt state space
constructor ({ corpus = [], order = 0, useTokenMap = false, model } = {}) {
if (model) {
internal(this).model = model
internal(this).order = (model.keys().next()).value.length - 1
} else {
internal(this).order = order
internal(this).model = buildModel(corpus, this)
if (useTokenMap && this.order > 0) {
internal(this).tokenMap = buildTokenMap(this.model)
* Order of chain.
* @readonly
* @type {number}
get order () {
return internal(this).order
* Map of chain states.
* @readonly
* @type {Map<Tuple<any>,any>}
get model () {
return internal(this).model
* Initial state with BEGIN tokens.
* @readonly
* @type {Tuple<any>}
get initialState () {
if (!internal(this).initialState) {
internal(this).initialState = getInitialState(this.order)
return internal(this).initialState
* Map of token to state.
* @readonly
* @type {Map<any,Tuple<any>>}
get tokenMap () {
return internal(this).tokenMap
* Updates a model from a single run.
* @static
* @param {Array<any>} run Array of tokens
* @param {object} [chain={}] Chain object
* @param {Map<Tuple<any>,any>} chain.model Model to update
* @param {Tuple<any>} chain.initialState Starting tuple
* @param {number} chain.order Order of chain
* @param {Map<any,Tuple<any>>} [chain.tokenMap] Map of token to states
static seed (run, { model, tokenMap, initialState, order } = {}) {
const items = [...initialState, ...run, END]
for (let i = 0; i < run.length + 1; ++i) {
const state = tuple(...items.slice(i, i + 1 + order))
const next = items[i + 1 + order]
const prev = items[i - 1] || BEGIN
if (!model.has(state)) {
model.set(state, [weightMap(), weightMap()])
const stateMaps = model.get(state)
const nextCount = stateMaps[0].get(next) || 0
const prevCount = stateMaps[1].get(prev) || 0
stateMaps[0].set(next, nextCount + 1)
stateMaps[1].set(prev, prevCount + 1)
if (tokenMap) {
for (const token of state) {
if (!tokenMap.has(token)) {
tokenMap.set(token, new Set())
const entry = tokenMap.get(token)
* Randomly chooses a new step from a given state.
* @private
* @param {Tuple<any>} fromState The state to move from
* @param {boolean} [forward] Movement direction
* @returns {any} A possible next step of the chain
_step (fromState, forward = true) {
const index = forward ? 0 : 1
const failToken = forward ? END : BEGIN
const stateArr = this.model.get(fromState)
if (!stateArr) {
return failToken
const choices = [...stateArr[index].keys()]
const weights = [...stateArr[index].values()]
return randomElement(choices, weights)
* Generates successive states until it finds a stop token.
* @private
* @param {Tuple<any>} [fromState] Initial state
* @param {boolean} [forward=true] Movement direction
* @yield {any} Next step on the chain
* _walk (fromState, forward = true) {
const stopToken = forward ? END : BEGIN
let state = fromState || this.initialState
while (true) {
let step = this._step(state, forward)
if (step === stopToken) {
if (isObjectToken(step)) {
try {
step = JSON.parse(step[1])
} catch (_) {}
yield step
if (forward) {
state = tuple(...state.slice(1), step)
} else {
state = tuple(step, ...state.slice(0, state.length - 1))
* Generates successive states until the chain reaches an END.
* @param {Tuple<any>} [fromState] Begin state of the chain walk
* @yield {any} Next succeding step of the chain
* walkForward (fromState) {
yield * this._walk(fromState)
* Generates successive states until the chain reaches a BEGIN.
* @param {Tuple<any>} [fromState] Starting state of the chain walk
* @yield {any} Next preceeding step of the chain
* walkBackward (fromState) {
yield * this._walk(fromState, false)
* Generates a state tuple from an array of tokens.
* @private
* @param {Array<any>} [tokens=[]] Input tokens
* @param {boolean} [useTokenMap=false] Whether to use token map
* @returns {Tuple<any>} State tuple
_genStateFrom (tokens = [], useTokenMap = false) {
const { order, initialState, model } = this
const run = [...tokens]
const tuples = []
const items = [...initialState, ...run, END]
for (let i = 0; i < run.length + 1; ++i) {
tuples.push(tuple(...items.slice(i, i + 1 + order)))
const starts = tuples.slice(1)
.filter((t) => model.has(t))
let result = randomElement(starts)
if (!result && useTokenMap && tokens.length > 0 && this.tokenMap) {
const choices = tokens.filter((t) => this.tokenMap.has(t))
if (choices.length > 0) {
const token = randomElement(choices)
const possibleStates = [...this.tokenMap.get(token)]
result = randomElement(possibleStates)
return result || initialState
* Walks the Markov chain and returns all steps.
* The returned step array will look like:
* ```javascript
* [ [backward_steps], [starting_tokens], [forward_steps] ]
* ```
* The starting tokens are only returned when forward or backward steps were
* actually generated from a subset of the {options.tokens} parameter.
* @param {object} [options] Options object
* @param {Array<any>} [options.tokens=[]] Starting state tokens
* @param {boolean} [options.backSearch=true] Should walk back
* @param {boolean} [options.useTokenMap=true] Whether to use token map
* @param {boolean} [options.runMissingTokens=true] Whether to answer when tokens are not in model
* @returns {Array<Array<any>>} Array with back root and forward steps
run ({ tokens = [], backSearch = true, useTokenMap = true, runMissingTokens = true } = {}) {
const startState = this._genStateFrom(tokens, useTokenMap)
let hasSteps = startState !== this.initialState
if (!runMissingTokens && tokens.length > 0 && !hasSteps) {
return [[], [], []]
const forwardSteps = [...this.walkForward(startState)]
hasSteps = hasSteps || forwardSteps.length > 0
let backSteps = []
if (backSearch) {
backSteps = [...this.walkBackward(startState)].reverse()
hasSteps = hasSteps || backSteps.length > 0
return [
hasSteps ? [...startState].filter((t) => t !== BEGIN) : [],
* Serialises the chain into a JSONable array.
* The returned array will look like:
* ```javascript
* [ [ [state], [ [next, count], ...], [ [prev, count], ...] ], ...]
* ```
* @returns {Array<any>} JSON array
* @see {@link https://mdn.io/stringify#toJSON()_behavior}
toJSON () {
const serialised = []
for (const [state, [next, prev]] of this.model) {
const stateArr = [...state].map(stringifyToken)
const nextArr = [...next].map(([value, count]) => {
return [stringifyToken(value), count]
const prevArr = [...prev].map(([value, count]) => {
return [stringifyToken(value), count]
serialised.push([stateArr, [nextArr, prevArr]])
return serialised
* Creates a Chain from a JSON string.
* @static
* @param {string} jsonChain A chain serialised with `Chain.toJSON`
* @param {object} options Additional options to Chain constructor
* @returns {Chain} A new chain instance
static fromJSON (jsonChain, options) {
let order
const states = JSON.parse(jsonChain).map(
([state, [nextList, prevList]], index) => {
const curStateSize = state.length
if (index === 0) {
order = curStateSize - 1
} else if (curStateSize !== order + 1) {
throw new Error('Inconsistent Markov chain order. ' +
`Expected ${order} but got ${curStateSize - 1} (${state}).`)
const stateTuple = state.map(parseTokenString)
const nextMap = weightMap()
for (const [key, count] of nextList) {
nextMap.set(parseTokenString(key), count)
const prevMap = weightMap()
for (const [key, count] of prevList) {
prevMap.set(parseTokenString(key), count)
return [tuple(...stateTuple), [nextMap, prevMap]]
const model = stateSpace()
for (const [state, follow] of states) {
model.set(state, follow)
return new Chain({ ...options, model })
* Generates a initial state for a chain of the given order.
* @param {number} order Order of chain
* @returns {Tuple<any>} Initial state
function getInitialState (order) {
return tuple(...Array(1 + order).fill(BEGIN))
* Tests if token is complex object.
* @param {any} token
* @returns {boolean}
function isObjectToken (token) {
return tuple.isTuple(token) && token[0] === OBJECT
const symbolRegex = /^Symbol\((@@BEGIN|@@END)\)$/
const objectRegex = /^Object\((.*)\)$/
* Transforms token type to proper token string.
* @param {any} token
* @returns {string} String token
function stringifyToken (token) {
if (token === BEGIN) return BEGIN.toString()
if (token === END) return END.toString()
if (isObjectToken(token)) return `Object(${token[1]})`
if (typeof token === 'string' && (symbolRegex.test(token) || objectRegex.test(token))) {
return `"${token}"`
return token
* Transforms token string to proper token type.
* @param {string} string
* @returns {any} Chain token
function parseTokenString (string) {
if (string === BEGIN.toString()) return BEGIN
if (string === END.toString()) return END
let res
if ((res = objectRegex.exec(string))) return JSON.parse(res[1])
return string
* Builds a Markov chain model.
* @param {Array<Array<any>>} corpus Corpus to build the model from
* @param {object} [options={}] Options object
* @param {number} [options.order] Order of chain
* @param {Tuple<any>} [options.initialState] Initial state of the chain
* @returns {Map<Tuple<any>,any>} Markov chain model
function buildModel (corpus, { order, initialState } = {}) {
const model = stateSpace()
if (order < 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid Markov chain order. ' +
`Expected \`order >= 0\` but got ${order}.`)
if (!initialState || initialState.length - 1 !== order) {
initialState = getInitialState(order)
for (const run of corpus) {
Chain.seed(run, { model, initialState, order })
return model
* Builds a Map of token to states.
* @param {Map<Tuple<any>,any>} model Markov chain model
* @returns {Map<any,Tuple<any>>} Token map
function buildTokenMap (model) {
const tokenMap = new Map()
for (const state of model.keys()) {
for (const token of state) {
if (!tokenMap.has(token)) {
tokenMap.set(token, new Set())
const entry = tokenMap.get(token)
return tokenMap
const util = require('util')
const inspect = Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')
* Creates a proxy map handler.
* @param {Function} keyFn Function to make keys
* @returns {object} Proxy handler
function mapHandler (keyFn) {
const ops = ['set', 'get', 'has']
const handler = {
get (target, propertyKey) {
let property = Reflect.get(target, propertyKey)
if (typeof property === 'function') {
if (ops.includes(propertyKey)) {
property = trap.bind(target, property)
} else {
property = property.bind(target)
} else if (propertyKey === inspect) {
property = inspectUtil.bind(target)
return property
* Trap for map get, set and has.
function trap (operation, ...args) {
args[0] = keyFn(args[0])
return Reflect.apply(operation, this, args)
* Node utility.
function inspectUtil () {
return util.inspect(this, false, null)
return handler
* Proxy for a state space Map.
* @param {Map<Tuple<any>,any>} [map=new Map()] Regular Map
* @returns {Proxy}
function stateSpace (map = new Map()) {
return new Proxy(map, mapHandler(function (key) {
if (!tuple.isTuple(key)) {
throw new Error('Invalid Markov chain state. ' +
`Expected tuple but got ${typeof key} (${key || key.toString()}).`)
return key.map((v) => {
if (typeof v === 'object') v = makeObjectToken(v)
return v
* Proxy for a weight Map.
* @param {Map<any,Number>} [map=new Map()] Regular Map
* @returns {Proxy}
function weightMap (map = new Map()) {
return new Proxy(map, mapHandler(function (key) {
if (typeof key === 'object') {
return makeObjectToken(key)
return key
* Creates a tuple to represent complex JSON data.
* @param {any} data
* @returns {Tuple<Symbol,any>} Complex data token
function makeObjectToken (data) {
const value = typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data)
return tuple(OBJECT, value)
module.exports = Chain